Apollo 13

Apollo 13
Houston, we have a problem...

Tuesday 23 March 2010


Believe it or not (and I have a hard time believing it myself sometimes), my real life adventures and the story of the Apollo missions actually become one on occasion. For example today, one of my work colleagues found it fitting to use an image of the Earth taken by Bill Anders at Christmas 1968 from the moon. He found it a fitting example of how we perceive light or something like that. Anyway WHY he used it in his booklet about a new project is not important. What IS important is the fact that he used THAT image. There it was, the most reproduced image in the history of humankind (that is true actually), a direct connection with my central theme here on Flyin' - Borman, Lovell and Anders. Lovell of course, the commander of Apollo 13 - you see the connection yet?. It was the moment they rounded the moon after firing the CSM engine to insert them into lunar orbit.

Now come on - here am I relating my life as an analogue of the story of Apollo 13 and then what dy'a know - the watertight bulkheads between fantasy and reality crack and breach, and irony comes flooding through at the rate of an olympic sized swimming pool full every second.

The Earth from here is a grand oasis in the great vastness of space.....

It's a funny old world.

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